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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ“šπŸ₯³ World Book Day πŸ“šπŸ₯³

On Thursday 2nd March, we are very excited to be celebrating World Book Day! World Book Day is a fun and exciting way to celebrate our favourite books and help make reading inclusive for all! World Book Day is a charity that changes lives through a love of reading! This year children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character and take part in lots of fun literacy and arts and crafts activities throughout the day. Prizes will be given across the key stages for the most inventive homemade costumes! (We would kindly ask parents/guardians not to go to any additional expense to make or buy costumes, but instead encourage children to be creative with what they have already to design their costume. Please see the poster below for low-cost ideas).  

We would also love to see children enjoying reading at home and would welcome children sending pictures of themselves reading in unusual places or ways to their class teacher via Seesaw. Prizes will be given in each Key Stage for the most unusual pictures! The deadline for pictures is Thursday 2nd March at 9am. Pictures should be sent to your child's class teacher via Seesaw.

On Thursday 2nd March, we are very excited to be celebrating World Book Day! World Book Day is a fun and exciting way to celebrate our favourite books and help make reading inclusive for all! World Book Day is a charity that changes lives through a love of reading! This year children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character and take part in lots of fun literacy and arts and crafts activities throughout the day. Prizes will be given across the key stages for the most inventive homemade costumes! (We would kindly ask parents/guardians not to go to any additional expense to make or buy costumes, but instead encourage children to be creative with what they have already to design their costume. Please see the poster below for low-cost ideas).  

We would also love to see children enjoying reading at home and would welcome children sending pictures of themselves reading in unusual places or ways to their class teacher via Seesaw. Prizes will be given in each Key Stage for the most unusual pictures! The deadline for pictures is Thursday 2nd March at 9am. Pictures should be sent to your child's class teacher via Seesaw.
