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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

September 2024

Literacy skills: this we worked on building our names, mark making and describing the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Elmer. The children made name trains, used paint, sand and playdough to make marks and painted healthy fruit fruit from The Very Hungry Caterpillar. πŸ›πŸ

Colour recognition: This week we explored colours and participated in activities where we sorted, matched, painted and used play dough to identify and name our colours.

Table top activities: As part of building routines and structures within LSC1, we have introduced table top activities in the mornings. The children have adapted well and are beginning to work independently βœοΈπŸ“š

Self portraits: The children selected appropriate colours for their hair and eye colours, they then painted these and created some fabulous self portraits πŸŽ¨πŸ–ŒοΈ

LSC2 celebrate Ronald Dahl Day 2024. The children listened to the story of β€œThe enormous Crocodile.” They created crocodile crowns and painted their own large crocodile. 🐸

This week the first group of children in LSC1 had the opportunities to participate in Sensory Circuits. The children were very relaxed and settled following their session!

Social skills: This week we focused on independent play but also playing alongside our peers appropriately. We practiced waiting and taking turns. πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Welcome to LSC1 😊
