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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


Finding fractions of amounts - Outdoor Maths Trail - 05.02.25

Using Logical Reasoning as a problem solving strategy - 22.01.25

P6/7 have been started using Logical Reasoning as a problem-solving strategy, whereby we use the little information or instructions we have to explain or predict a final answer.

Estimating and measuring length using millimetres, centimetres and metres - 17.01.25

Today P6/7 identified the differences between millimetres, centimetres and metres. We discussed when it is useful to use each unit of measurement and how to convert them before travelling throughout the school and making estimates on the length of everyday items and deciding how if we should measure them in millimetres, centimetres, metres or use a combination to see if our estimate was correct.

Problem Solving with IZAK9 - 15.01.25

P6/7 have been using teamwork to solve IZAK9 problems based on previous Problem and Investigation strategies we have used throughout the year so far.

Adding and subtracting fractions - 13.01.25

P6/7 have been focusing on adding and subtracting fractions. P6/7 have also been relying on their understanding of equivalent fractions to create a common denominator before simplifying their answer or converting their answer into a mixed number if their final fraction is improper.

Today P6/7 used their coding skills to decorate our own class Christmas tree. P6/7 used Sphero Balls to act as baubles, sending their Sphero Balls to an area of the tree of their choice. To make our tree extra festive we added a few extra sprites to our code to add some sound and lights to our tree.

Converting improper fractions and mixed numbers - 09.12.24

P6/7 have deepened their understanding of fractions by identifying what happens when a numerator is larger than a denominator and how this creates an improper fraction. P6/7 have been able to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa.

Budgeting - Wants and Needs - 28.11.24

Today 7B explored the importance of budgeting our money when it comes to the expenses of running a home. 7B discussed where our money comes from and we agreed that the majority of households rely on a monthly wage. We also began to categorise items into what we need and what we want and what we need. We agreed that we need to spend money on items such as mortgages/rent and taxes and that these are known as fixed household costs as they will stay the same price each month. We also talked about the need for groceries, electric, heating etc. however, these are categorised as essential living costs as we would not always spend the same amount on these items each month, for example, we would not spend the same amount on utilities such as oil in January that we would spend in July.


Finally, we have non-essential living costs which are items we might buy to treat ourselves or leisure activities which we use for entertainment.

Looking for a pattern - 20.11.24

P6/7 have been using 'Looking for a Pattern' as our new problem solving strategy.

Compensation as an addition strategy - 18.11.24

P6/7 have been developing their mental math skills by using compensation as a strategy for adding.

Outdoor Learning - Maths Trail - 13.11.24

P6/7 have been working hard to apply their understanding of Trial and Error to their Number work based on fractions, decimals and percentages. P6/7 have been exploring our outdoor Maths Trail to categorise items such as types of plants in our gardens, colours of cars in the car park and making predictions based on the perimeter and area of playground.

Displaying and finding data using bar charts - 07.11.24

Today we looked at bar charts and discussed how they are used and why they are useful for displaying data. P6/7 had a go at looking for some key information from bar charts before creating some of their own.

Revising our times tables - 06.11.24

P6/7 have been continuing to work hard on their understanding of the times tables. This week we have been focusing on the x11 tables.

Problem solving with IZAK9 - 23.10.24

P6/7 used Izak 9 today to revise some of the problem solving strategies we have looked at so far this
year. We started by revising our understanding of Trial and Error by using all four operations to
challenge each other to reach target numbers before Working Backwards to find missing information.

Maths Week - 14-18.10.24

To celebrate the beginning of Maths Week Ireland 2024, we took part in an online workshop, alongside schools across Ireland to help us appreciate the importance of numbers in our everyday lives. This workshop challenged us to work in groups to solve a range of mathematical challenges as well as teaching us some magic tricks involving Numeracy which we can try on friends and family.

Coding 2D shapes - 10.10.24

Today P6/7 used their understanding of 2D shape to test their coding skills by using some simple codes to instruct our Spheroballs to make a selected shape.

Using working backwards as a problem solving strategy - 09.10.24

P6/7 have been working hard on our new problem solving strategy Working Backwards, whereby we take a little information and use it to fill in the blanks. P6/7 took the opportunity to have a go at a few problems in groups this week in our outdoor classroom.

Using Trial and Error to guess, check and improve - 18.09.24

P6/7 have been continuing to explore the use of trial and error. This week we have been using trial and error to make sensible guesses to our questions before improving our guesses to help us correct any errors we have made.

Identifying tenths, hundredths and thousandths - 16.09.24

Today P6/7 explored what happens when we break down whole numbers. We focused on identifying tenths, hundredths and thousandths as decimals. We were able to compare and order decimals as well as identify where we might use or see decimals in everyday life such as when using money or measuring weight/height etc.

Outdoor Problems and Investigations - Trial and Error - 11.09.24

P6/7 have began to explore Trial and Error as a problem-solving strategy. The boys and girls have been working hard in our outdoor classroom to carry out group tasks, making sensible guesses, checking their answers and making improvements based on the problems they were provided.

As part of our Number Topic work, P6/7 have been continuing to explore Geometry. This week we
focused exclusively on 3D shape. We took a walk in and around our school to find practical examples of 3D shape as inspiration before creating fact files highlighting the properties of these shapes focusing on faces, edges and vertices.

Comparing, ordering and partitioning larger numbers - 03.09.24

P6/7 have been using ICT and Activity Based Learning to revise our understanding of the number system by exploring the structure of larger numbers and how they can be partitioned into smaller numbers which can make them easier to work with when it comes to adding and subtracting larger numbers mentally.
