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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


P4A took part in some fun practical learning activities today to practice making amounts of money using the least amount of coins possible!

P4A worked with learning partners to apply their knowledge of rounding to the nearest ten while using the problem solving strategy, β€˜Guess, Check and Improve’ to sort numbers.

P4A have been learning how to create and analyse data. This week they visited some classes and collected data about their favourite Polar Animals. They then worked in their groups to analyse the data and create questions based on it.

P4A have been taking part in practical learning opportunities to practice their recall of doubles to 50!

P4A put their learning of direction including clockwise/anti-clockwise, half/quarter turns and left and right to the test as they created algorithm's to code Beebots and Sphero Indi's. They also further developed their skills completing a variety of offline coding tasks.

P4A have been hunting for Right Angles this week!

P4A have been using their knowledge of 2D shapes to create Tangrams!

P4A have been taking part in a range of practical learning activities to round 2 and 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10.

P4A have been revising their knowledge of 2D shapes including the number of curved\straight sides and vertices they have by making them using a range of materials!

P4A have been developing their mental maths skills using some fun iPad games! They have been using number lines to count on and back and have been learning to add or subtract 10 or a multiple of 10 from a 2 or 3 digit number. They found a pattern and realised that the units never change!

P4A have been learning about months and seasons and took part part in a range of practical learning activities to put their calendar skills into action!

P4A have been learning about seconds and minutes and converting between the two! They used stop watches to time how long it took them to run two laps of the daily mile. They then converted the times between seconds and minutes! P4A have also been learning about AM/PM times and sorted activities into these categories in our outdoor classroom!

P4A have been learning about measuring capacity using litres and millilitres and converting between units! They had great fun using their knowledge to compete in teams to collect the most amount of water but there was a catch! The bucket had a hole in it!

This week P4A have been learning to represent and partition 3 digit numbers using their knowledge of place value!

P4A had great fun measuring the area of different items around our school using non-standard units of measurement!

P4A have been learning to problem solve by identifying and continuing a pattern. They worked collaboratively within their groups to apply their skills this week!

P4A have been comparing weight and weighing items using non-standard units of measurement! They realised that using standard units to measure weight was much more effective and practiced their skills to weigh out ingredients to make a magic potion in our Rainbow garden! They then had a turn at weighing different items in the classroom and converting between kilograms and grams!

P4A have been having great fun taking part in activity based learning to order numbers both consecutively and non-consecutively!

P4A have been learning to say the number before, after and in-between and have been having great fun taking part in practical and outdoor learning activities!

P4 are currently learning to identify and continue patterns to problem solve! As a introduction to the new topic they had great fun working together to create their own patterns outdoors!

P4 had great fun measuring length outdoors using non-standard units of measurement but quickly learnt that it was not a reliable method. They then had a go measuring using meter sticks around the school and even challenged themselves to convert between Meters and Centimeters!
