Religion and PDMU
The story of Moses
This week in Religion the children have been learning about the story of Moses being adopted by the Egyptian princess. The children listened to the story and reflected on it, before working in groups to act it out using freeze frames. They enjoyed bringing the story to life and thinking about how Moses’ mother would have been feeling.

World Children's Day
Today, we took part in a mock protest to highlight and petition to raise awareness for the the issue of deforestation. This allowed us to demonstrate that every day, we should use our voices for good and that the voice of the child is a powerful tool. The children created banners and posters to highlight the major problems of deforestation and created chants to spread the message.
Jesus as a Healer
We have been learning some of the stories about Jesus healing those who have different disabilities or illnesses. P5 acted out the stories of Jesus healing the blind man and the deaf man and compared these stories with how we can heal people today.
Digital Art Posters
P5 have combined their knowledge of persuasive advertisements with their work on Anti-Bullying this week. The children followed the 'Express' area of the ICT curriculum to design their own poster and slogans to advertise the Anti-Bullying message of Respect using Adobe Express.

Odd Socks Day
We celebrated our differences and unique personalities by wearing odd socks to kick off Anti- bullying week.
Rights Respecting Charter
Over the course of September, Primary 5 have been working hard on their Rights respecting Charter- celebrating their rights according to the UN convention and recognising those most important to our class this year!
Apostles Creed
P5 have been learning about how the apostles spread the good news of God after Jesus’ ascension into heaven. They put together a list of things we believe which we now call the ‘Apostles Creed’. The pupils have been learning the prayer this week and sequencing the parts into the right order.