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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


3/2/25 WALT sequence the story of St Brigid. P6 pupils enjoyed learning about St Brigid to mark her feast day. The pupils then put their word processing skills to the test when they sequenced the story, using features of Word to make it presentable.

23/1/25 We know our rights! As part of our Rights Week celebrations, P6 pupils took time to hone in on 5 rights in particular, exploring how prevalent they were in today’s Irish society.

23/1/25 WALT be aware of the dangers of screen time. P6 pupils really enjoyed another Chester’s Challenge workshop this week where they focused on the importance of not spending too much time on screens. The pupils thought about the importance of looking after their minds and their bodies so that they are ready and able to take on life’s challenges. They also took part in a fun interactive quiz to test what they had learned.

WALT help others and be good role models to younger pupils. P6 pupils really enjoyed their visit to the local nursery to support the younger children in their learning. There was lots going on, art, ICT, sand and water play and the boys and girls had a wonderful time together, as you can see from the photos below!

20/1/25 WALT know ways to regulate our emotions. P6 pupils really enjoyed spending some time in Nurture this morning where they talked about ways that help them self regulate.

6/1/25 WALT know about the Epiphany. The P6 pupils learnt about the Epiphany this week. They researched the story further in pairs before completing a quiz on Book Creator to put their knowledge to the test.

17/12/24 WALT retell the story of Christmas. P6 pupils have been learning about the story of Christmas and exploring the themes in the story. They were then challenged to retell the story using Book Creator, including the key parts, images and using their voices to read the story aloud.

22/11/24 WALT stay safe on the roads. This week we celebrated Road Safety Week by learning important messages about how to stay safe on the roads. This is timely as the darker nights creep in and the boys and girls got creative and put their learning inti a poster.

4/11/24 - 15/11/24 WALT understand bullying and what steps to take if it is happening to someone. P6 have enjoyed working on their assembly on the theme of anti bullying. Pupils have been sharing key messages on what bullying is, how to recognise it and what to do if it is happening to someone.

Rights display. Check out our Rights display highlighting the commitment both children and staff make to each other for the year ahead!

15/10/24 WALT reflect on the joy life brings. P6 pupils are loving the theme of the Credit Union Poster competition ‘The Joy of Life’. Pupils have contemplated what brings them joy and they are now getting creative and making a poster to show what brings them happiness.

2/10/24 WALT give thanks and praise to God. P6 enjoyed their religion task this week and took themselves into the great outdoors to consider reasons to be thankful. The pupils reflected on how things are going for them, the positives and the difficulties and enjoyed discussing these with the adults and their peers. P6 found loads of reasons to be thankful.

25/9/24 WALT reflect on ourselves. P6 enjoyed their first RSE lesson of the year where they focussed on their strengths and their dreams for the future. This resulted in some lovely discussion about possible occupations in the future, places they’d like to visit and sporting dreams they possess. Primary 6 know how to dream big!
