Making Advent Wreaths
Tuesday 3rd December
This week in RE, Primary 7 have been marking the beginning of Advent and exploring the symbolism behind advent wreaths. As part of this, they worked hard to create some excellent Advent Wreath Art, using a range of materials.
Anti- Bullying Week 2024
Monday 11th November - Friday 15th November
This week, Primary 7 celebrated Ani-Bullying week trough a range of activities! This included:
- Wearing Odd- Socks for Anti-Bullying week.
- Taking part in the BBC Anti-Bullying week live lesson.
- Creating our own digital logo using Adobe Express, for the word 'respect'.
‘Still I Rise’ Diversity sessions- Final Day
Friday 4th October
Primary 7 took part in their last of four sessions with Orla, from ‘Still I Rise’. Today’s session was a cumulative approach to the learning of recent weeks, where the girls and boys attempted to teach their own lessons on diversity, inclusion and the celebration of differences, through the power of storytelling. After working on their stories over several days, P7 then shared them with Orla and the rest of the class. Well done P7 and a huge thank you to Orla for all her work over the past four weeks- her lessons have been inspirational and motivating for our Primary 7s moving forward!
Our Rights Respecting Charter
Thursday 26th September
Over the course of September, Primary 7 have been working hard on their Rights respecting Charter- celebrating their rights according to the UN convention and recognising those most important to our class this year!
'still I Rise!'
Friday 13th September
Friday 20th September
Today and last week, Primary 7 took part in the first and second of four sessions with 'Still I rise', where they explored the role of embracing diversity in society and overcoming challenges that they may face in their lives. Pupils also explored the importance of fostering inclusive classrooms, cultural competency, neurodiversity, and empowering themselves to use their voices! Thanks to Orla for her hard work with us today and last week- we can't wait for the remaining sessions!
Rights Respecting in P7!
Monday 2nd September
This week in class, Primary 7 have been reviewing the role of the UN rights of the child, as well as exploring those that may be most applicable to them From this, they will work on a class display to place these rights at the centre of our classroom, since they are central to everything they do in school.