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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

The World Around Us

Exploring fairy tale settings with a range of textures

We have been exploring different fairy tale settings this week, thinking about how the settings help to convey a different mood in each story. The children thought of different settings, such as castles, forests, cottages, etc. and discussed the importance of these in the stories. Then they began to create their artwork, exploring use of a range of different textures to bring their pieces to life. The final pieces were brilliant and we are looking forward to seeing them on display!

Christmas Crafts


The pupils have combined their learning and sharing of the Christmas Story with their creative, artistic skills to create various Christmas cards and decorations to share at home.

Minecraft Landmarks


The pupils used select appropriate materials to create a famous landmark of their choice using their computing and digital art skills to recreate different architectural styles.

Landmark Building


We have used natural materials around the school to create our own Landmarks from around the world. The children used their STEAM knowledge and considered how best to create the structure, how to make it stable and which materials would be most suitable.

Natural and Manmade Landmarks


We explored different landmarks around the world and considered the different materials they were made from. We then used a Venn diagram to sort these landmarks into the categories of manmade and natural. We found that there were no landmarks that fitted into both sections.

Famous Landmarks


P5A have exploring some of the famous landmarks around the world. The pupils matched up pictures, names and key facts about some of the key landmarks.

Locating Countries in Europe


We have started our new topic all about famous Landmarks in Europe. The pupils used their atlas skills to correctly label the countries in Europe. Some pupils had a further challenge of finding the capital cities of these countries.

Science Investigation- How do Plants Grow


Linking with our work on rainforest plants, the pupils have been conducting a scientific investigation into what a plant needs to grow. We conducted a fair test by ensuing the same type of plant is used and the same amount of water/ sunlight is given to the plants. We placed one plant in a dark cupboard- with no sunlight, one plant is placed in sunlight with no water, and one plant was given both sunlight and water. The pupils made predictions about what would happen to the plants over time.

Minecraft Treehouse Shelter


We have been exploring the rainforest biome world on Minecraft to learn about the features, plants and animals that make up the rainforest. The pupils then used their creativity and ICT skills to develop a treehouse shelter in the rainforest using appropriate materials.

The lifecycle of a flowering plant


We have been learning about the lifecycle of a flowering plant this week. P5A focused on the different ways in which seeds can be dispersed. Each group used drama to act out the different methods of seed dispersal. 

Classifying Rainforest Animals


We have been looking at Venn and Carroll diagrams as a way to classify Rainforest animals during our outdoor learning this week. We considered whether the animals are mammals, birds, fish, amphibians or reptiles. We also used the diagrams to sort which layer of the rainforest these animals live in.
The rainforest layers are:

  • forest floor
  • understorey
  • canopy
  • emergent


Rainforest animals 

P5 have been researching animals that live in the rainforest this week. They then were inspired by artist Oenone Hammersley to create their own pieces of art work. They followed Hammersley’s style of a watercolour background with a vibrant pastel animal in the foreground.
