World Around Us/ECO
January- February Topic: Whatever the Weather
⛈️ Charanga: Making Weather Sounds ⛈️
As part of our topic we looked at different instruments that could sound like the weather. We listened to a video of a hurricane and tried to pinpoint different sounds, we noted the sounds started quiet and became really loud as the hurricane continued. Working in our groups we spilt the different sounds between ourselves and each person was responsible for making that noise in our performance.
Take a look at our videos showing our finished pieces.
Hurricane Sounds 5

Hurricane sounds 4

Hurricane sounds 3

Hurricane sounds 2

Hurricane sounds 1

🌧️ The Water Cycle in a Bag 🌧️
We have been learning all about the water cycle. To help us see this in our classroom we made our own small version of the water cycle in a sandwich bag. Firstly we drew the diagram on the bag and then added a little bit of water. We sealed our bags shut and stuck them to the window.
The heat created by the sun shining in the window will cause some of the water to evaporate and rise to the top of the bag where it will create condensation and water droplets will drop down the bag representing the rain outside.
🌍 Global Climates 🌍
Miss Morissey has be teaching us about how the weather in different countries around the world.
We worked in group with each group representing a different country, we identified our country on the world map and then told our classmates all about the climate in that country. Afterwards we filled a suitcase with different items we would need to go to different countries.

🧸🧝 P3 Toy Workshop 🧝🧸
We made our own elf on the shelf toys! They even had moveable arms and legs!
🎅 Christmas Digital Art 🤶
We made wonderful Christmas pictures using the Pic Collage app. We focused on using the search tool to look for images and graphics we wanted to add and finding the best Christmas backdrop. We think they look wonderful!
🧸 Trip to Down County Museum: Toys from the Past 🧸
We had a trip to Down County Museum last week as part of our topic on toys! We got to see toys from the past and how toys have changed over time. We had a wonderful workshop that taught us all about how toys are used to help children prepare for adult life so the toys of each decade reflected what adult life was like back then. At the end we got time to play with some of the toys! We had so much fun!
🧸 Lost Toy Posters 🧸
Using Pic Collage we made posters to advertise our lost toys. We made sure to include some adjectives and a way to contact the owner. If you find one of our toys, please let us know!
👄 Taste Test 👄
We did a taste test of foods to see if they were sour, bitter or sweet.
🎼 Charanga: Music is in Me 🎼
This week we used our sense of hearing to listen to the pulse in the background of a piece of music. We followed a series of videos that helped us find the pulse of the music and then moved our bodies to the beat. Afterwards we each got an instrument and tapped or shook it to match the songs pulse. By the end of our session we were able to do a class performance of the song when we played our instruments and sang along.
Pulse 1

Pulse 2

Class Performance

📖 Writing in Braille 📖
We have been learning all about Braille. People who are partially sighted or blind use Braille to read stories and books. Braille was invented by Louis Braille who was inspired by the game dominoes. Each letter is represented by up to 6 raised dots. We investigated the Braille alphabet and had a go at writing our names in Braille in our workbooks. We then went outside with word cards to have a go writing our spellings in Braille using stones to represent the raised dots.
👁️ Digital Art- Animal Eyes 👁️
We used the Brushes Redux app to create different animal eyes. We had to slowly build up layers of colour and texture to achieve our final look. Check out the video that shows how we made our amazing images!

👀 How Animals See 👀
We had some funky glasses that allowed us to swap in and out different lenses to show us what the world looks like to different animals. We were amazed how differently each animals eye works and how differently they see the world compared to us!
🦮 Guide Dogs 🦮
As part of our work on the senses we have been researching all about the role of guide dogs and how they help people who are visually impaired. We watched a video of a guide dog navigating a busy city centre and discussed how the dog can avoid obstacles and help guide their human to where they need to go safety. We then looked at a map of a town and assessed where the obstacles are and which route is the easiest for the dog to follow. We then programmed our Blu Bots to act like the guide dog completing a course avoiding all the obstacles we put in its path. Lastly, we went on a blindfolded walk to show how difficult it is to get around when you cannot use your eyes, our friends helped guide dog using their voices so we could get from one point in the hall to another.
🍂🌿 Maintaining our Planter Box 🌿🍂
We have been working to maintain our planter box this week. We gathered water in watering cans to make sure our plants are well watered and picked out any weeds.
🍄🌿 Gardening- Designing our Planter Box 🍁🍂
This week we worked with P3A to organise our planter box for the season. We decided to go with a theme that tied in our WAU topic- The Senses and Autumn. The boys and girls worked very hard to pull out any weeds, plant new winter plants and add colourful decorations to tie in with our 5 senses.
New additions to our box include a curry plant, thyme, a scarecrow and conkers! Have a look to see if you can spot any little creatures hidden in our plants, rumour has it you can see some hedgehogs!
🔍Senses Scavenger Hunt🔎
We spent some time this week in our new outdoor classroom! In our WAU lessons we have been discussing all of our senses. We searched the school grounds for different things we could see, hear, smell and touch.
🍿 Making Popcorn 🍿
To engage all of our senses we made some popcorn! We listened for the popping, watched as the bag puffed up, smelt and tasted the sweetness and touched the fluffy popped kernels.