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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

PDMU/RSE & Grow in Love

P4A have been learning all about advent in preparation for Christmas. They then made these beautiful advent candles to display during their Carol Service.

P4A created road safety hero’s to help us learn how to stay safe on the roads!

For Anti-Bullying Week P4A used their knowledge of speech marks to create scripts of how to show how to kindly communicate with each other. They then performed their role plays to each other!

Odd Sock Day in P4A! We may all be different fish, but in P4A we swim together!

To celebrate National Poetry Day P4A created acrostic poems using the word dignity and and their knowledge of the UNCRC. Dignity is an important principal that unpins Children's Rights.

As part of their PDMU P4A have been exploring friendships. They took part in a team work challenge were they had to work together to agree what to paint and how to paint it! They did a fantastic job of working collaboratively and took part in great discussion after about things that worked really well and things they would do differently next time!
