Religion / P.D.M.U
Vaping and Smoking - Knowing the Dangers Workshop - 09.12.25
Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke delivered a very important and informative workshop to P6/7 and LSC4 class this week. The workshop focussed on the dangers of vaping and smoking and aims to empower our pupils to make healthy choices and decisions. Thank you to the Chest, Heart and Stroke staff for their excellent work and partnership with our school!
Celebrating The Nativity - 13.12.24
P6/7 have been exploring the wonderful story of The Nativity and took the opportunity today to create their own stained glass windows setting the scene of the story.
Anti-Bullying Week - 11-15.11.24
This week we celebrated Anti-Bullying week. The theme for the week was 'Respect'. The week began with Odd Sock Day which allowed us to celebrate our differences. P6/7 also took the opportunity on this day to create their own anti-bullying pledge. We also took the opportunity to take part in an online lesson hosted by the BBC with other schools throughout the UK.
Creating our own logos representing our personalities - 07.11.24
P6/7 were challenged this week with designing their own logo. We discussed famous brands and companies and how important their logos were. In the same way, we are all important so our logos need to reflect that. P6/7 did a fantastic job using Adobe Express to create their own logos which reflected their personality and identity which can be viewed above.
Service of Light 2024
Congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who celebrated their Service of Light on Tuesday (October 22nd).
October is the month of the Rosary.
To celebrate the month of the Rosary, P6/7 have been designing their own stained glass windows to remind us of the significance of this very import pane month.
Creating our class charter - 27.09.24
As we are a Rights Respecting School, P6/7 have been revising our understanding of the UN Convention on the UN Convention on Rights of a Child (UNCRC). P6/7 worked hard to explore each article within the UNCRC before selecting four for our class charter which we felt were most relevant to our classroom.
Anti-Bullying posters - 27.09.24
Now that we have settled into the new school year, P6/7 have taken the opportunity to remind ourselves how bullying is not tolerated within our school. P6/7 recapped by watching our anti-bullying assembly delivered by last year’s Primary 7 class which provided an understanding of what bullying is, as well as advice for those who may be experiencing bullying. P6/7 then took the time to create some fantastic posters highlighting the importance of looking after each other to prevent bullying.