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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


🏐 Monday Focus: Gaelic skills with Coach Oisin 🏐

πŸ€βš½οΈ Thursday Focus: Fundamental Ball skills πŸ€βš½οΈ

🏐 Passing the ball with our hands and feet 🏐

This week we worked with coach Oisin to pass the pass accurately with our hands by hand passing and with our feet by kicking the ball to our friend in a straight line aimed at their feet.
Oisin was very impressed with our skills and told us about a tournament we have been invited to at the end of February at the RGU. We look forward to showcasing our skills with children from local schools. 

⚽️ Kicking and Passing ⚽️ 

We worked on passing a football to a friend using only our feet, we tried to control it carefully and send it in a straight line to our partner. We then played a game called Wolf Creek that focused on dribbling but also keeping your head up to see where you are going. Miss Morrisey acted as our wolf,  when she turned around we had to freeze or we were out. After an exciting game Zach emerged the victor over the wolf! Well done Zach!


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Wolf Creek

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⚽️ Ball Skills: Kicking ⚽️

Miss Morrisey took our PE lesson this week, we focused on passing the ball with our feet by kicking it to our partner. 

🏐 Hand Passing 🏐

This week coach Oisin taught us all about hand passing. Hand passing is a key skill in Gaelic football as it is the only we are allowed to pass the ball to another player using our hands.

We have a new location outside for our football sessions so we have more space and a quiet environment to listen to what Oisin is saying. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side this week and we had to cut our session slightly short due to rain. We’re looking forward to working on our hand passing skills over the next few weeks.

⚽️ Ball Skills- Superhero game ⚽️

We played a team game this week called Superheroes. One of our players had to remain behind a line of cones as our superhero, we had to pass the ball through our hands to each player and then to our superhero to score a goal. We had to try and find space away from players from the other team so our teammates could pass us the ball and we could try and score goals. 

🏐 Team Games and Meeting Coach Oisin 🏐

This week was very exciting, we met our new Gaelic coach Oisin who is going to be working with us every Monday until mid term to help us develop our Gaelic skills. 

We went this week working on games so we could get to know Oisin and he can learn our names!
 He told us how he plays for Down and that he might be able to bring in the Tailteann Cup for us later this year, how exciting!! 
We are looking forward to next week when we will begin our work on our football skills. 

πŸ•ΊπŸ» Focus: Dance πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

πŸ’‚πŸΌπŸ€– Toy Dance πŸ€–πŸ’‚πŸΌ

This week we moved like toys! We had to move like a robot, toy soldier and jack in the box. We thought about how each movement would need to be precise and well timed. Once we mastered the movements standing we tried moving around the room. 

We also played a few games from a different parts of the world.

The first game was from a Portugal called Jogo do Lenchino. It is similar to duck, duck, goose but instead of using words the person walking drops a handkerchief behind one of the seated players. If the person notices they must get up and chase the other person before they reach the empty space and sit down.


The second game we played was from West Africa called Ampe. A player stands in the middle of a circle as the leader. The leader will then choose an opponent, both players clap their hands and then jump and land with one foot forward, if they land with the same foot forward the leader is out, if they have different feet forward the leader stays in the middle and chooses a new opponent.  


Game from Portugal: Jogo do Lencinho

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Toy Soldiers

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❄️ Ice Dance ❄️

We have been working on moving our bodies to different ways to different kinds of music. This week we had Let it Go from Frozen as our music choice. We had to move in sharp, fast movements or slow floaty movements to represent ice and snow falling. 

Dance 1

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🀸🏼‍♀️ Balances 🀸🏽

We worked this week on balancing on one leg and walking in a straight line as if we were on a balance beam. It was tricky to keep our foot firmly on the floor while we lifted our other leg but we had it mastered by the end of the lesson. 

🀸🏼‍♀️ Tuck Rolls 🀸🏼‍♀️

Today we incorporated the skills we learned in the previous lessons to perform a controlled tuck roll. We had to use the tuck shape from the first lesson, roll from one end of the mat to the other and stand up tall at the end. 

Tuck Roll

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🀸🏽 Controlling our Movements 🀸🏼‍♀️

This week we focused on making slow, controlled movements. We studied how gymnasts start and end their moves and worked on perfecting our controlled jumps. We then worked with a partner to mirror each other doing controlled movements.

Controlled Jumps

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Mirrored Movements

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🟣 Making Shapes 🟣

We began our new focus of gymnastics this week. We worked on making shapes with our bodies, these shapes will form a good foundation for more complicated gymnastics moves we will learn over the next few weeks. We had to make sure our bodies were strong and our hands and feet were pointed.

πŸ‘» Halloween Fitness πŸŽƒ

We did a spooky fitness circuit this week in our PE lesson. Each station was a Halloween themed exercise like vampire rises, hanging bats, skeleton dancing and flying like bats. 

Skeleton Dance

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⭐️ Skipping ⭐️

This week we have been focusing on developing our skipping skills. We used ropes and carefully started slowly before building in speed. It was tricky to jump over the rope at times but we have been trying really hard to improve our skills. We are going to keep working on this in the playground at break and lunchtime. 

Skip 1

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Skip 2

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Skip 3

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Skip 4

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πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️ Running Races πŸƒπŸ»‍➑️

We have been working this week on running different types of races. We discussed how in Athletics athletes can participate in a number of different types of races such as relay, sprint and long distance. 

Long Distance

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Relay Race

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🟑 Circuits 🟑

We focused this week on different exercise movements in a circuits course. Check out our videos of each station. Mrs Cassidy was very impressed by the way we worked at each station and we were very tired by the end!


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Sit ups

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πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️Athletics πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️
This week in PE we joined in with P3A to do some athletics. We spilt into six groups and rotated through different stations. In total we have 6 stations but we focused on 3 stations and next week we will focus on other 3. The stations we had were: 

🌟 Chest Push 

🌟 Speed Bounce 

🌟 Standing Jump

🌟 Long Jump 

🌟 Triple Jump 

🌟 Skipping with hoops


πŸ‘« Focus: We are a team, we work together. πŸ‘«

This week was our first week using the Ballymote Centre for our PE sessions.

It was also our first full week of P3! 


Our PE sessions this week focused on building skills to help us work as a team. We have been doing some work in our PDMU sessions about our class as a team and a family.
We are learning to listen, respect and work together to help everyone succeed. 


Using a parachute we worked as a group to keep the balls moving without any falling over the sides and to launch them up into the air. 

During our second session of the week we divided ourselves into different teams and played some games of Basketball. We had a chat after each game to find ways we could improve our teamwork and passing to help us get the ball into the net. By the end of the session we had a few great scores!

