Place Value
We are using Base Ten to help us with place value. We have been learning about tens and units and how we can represent two-digit numbers using the base ten. We had fun working in groups to represent the different numbers on the cones.

Commutative addition
We have been learning that the order of an addition calculation does not change the answer. We can use this strategy to make our calculations easier by starting with the biggest number first and counting on. We can also check our work by changing the order of our addition calculation. We had fun using Uno cards to generate addition calculations and then using the flip flop method to check our answers.
We have been learning about money this term. We can now name, recognise, order and sort coins. We had good fun matching the coins to their name and ordering from lowest to highest value - this will come in handy when we go to the shop! We also had fun playing games on the iPad to consolidate our learning.

WALT: use a venn diagram to sort using one criterion
We used the beautiful autumn leaves this week to explore sorting and classifying in our data handling lesson. The children compared all the leaves that they had collected for a homework activity. We discussed how the leaves were similar or different. We discussed ways we could sort them, by colour, size, shape, name. Some of the children came up with interesting questions which lead to further research on leaves. We learnt that some leaves have lobes and that they can have a different number of lobes. We also found out that each lobe has a vein. We used this information to sort by the number of lobes, and some children even sorted into odd/even number of lobes.

Mental Maths
We have been working hard on our Mental Maths this week. We have been using a range of apparatus to represent numbers. We had fun challenging our partner to find the correct number representation with cubes and numicon. We then took our maths outside and played number games.

Odd and Even Numbers
We have been learning about odd and even numbers. We sang songs and used a colour code to help us with our work. We then consolidated our knowledge with odd and even games outside!

Reading Analogue Clock Times!
This week we are learning to read the analogue clock. We have been focusing on o’clock times and learning about the minute and hour hand. We had great fun making an analogue clock from outdoor materials. We manipulated the twigs to show different o’clock times.

2D Shapes
We consolidated our learning on 2D shapes today by helping make shapes with straight edges out of hockey sticks. We then added some hula hoops to represent circles and we enjoyed playing games to find the correct shapes, either by name or by their properties.

Recognising 2D Shapes
We have been learning to recognise and describe 2D shapes. We went on a nature walk and collected leaves and twigs. We then used these to create the different shapes. We talked about how many sides each shape has and whether they are straight or curved. We had fun working in different groups to name the shapes and then make them with the natural material.

Repeating Patterns
We have been learning about repeating patterns. We looked at repeating patterns that had 2, 3, and 4 colours. We discussed patterns online and on the challenge cards. We used our knowledge of patterns to work out what the next shape/colour or object should be. We then worked together to make our own patterns using the cubes.