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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


The boys and girls were focusing on words with the β€˜igh’ sound this week as their sound of the week! For our linguistic phonics lesson, we highlighted all the words containing the β€˜igh’ sound in different local newspapers and created a list of all of the words as a class at the end of the lesson.

This week in Primary 5, the boys and girls learned more about the importance of slogans and word play in persuasive writing and how slogans can make a customer want to purchase a product. We looked at some iconic slogans from brands that are well known all over the world! 🌎✍️

We spent some time looking at various leaflets persuading us to visit different cities throughout the world such as London, Sydney and Melbourne. We found the key features of these persuasive leaflets and looked at the various paragraphs and different types of language used to persuade people to visit these cities.

The boys and girls in P5 have been looking at using emotive language as a feature of persuasive writing. We have been looking at how different brands and companies use emotive language to persuade the customer to purchase the product or service through evoking different emotions and targeting specific groups to do this.

Digital Art Persuasive Posters - P5B have combined their knowledge of persuasive advertisements with their work on Anti-Bullying this week. The children followed the 'Express' area of the ICT curriculum to design their own poster and slogans to advertise the Anti-Bullying message of Respect using Adobe Express.

The pupils looked through various newspapers to find advertisements from different companies. The pupils thought about what the best advertisements were and what features were used.

We have been revising some of the different parts of speech which are found in sentences, including nouns, verbs, adverbs and prepositions. P5 have been looking at the opening chapter of The Worst Witch, and identifying the different parts of speech used. πŸŽƒ πŸ§™

We celebrated National Poetry Day in P5B this week, we created our own acrostic poem on a specific theme! Some great poets for the future in Primary 5! πŸ“–πŸ“

The children of P5B completed some dictionary work this week in Literacy. The boys and girls enjoyed searching for different meanings of terms relating to our World Around Us topic of rainforests!
