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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

World Around Us

Handa’s Surprise:Fruit Taste Test

Happy Chinese New Year!

Let’s Get Moving:Designing a moving sleigh for Santa!

Let’s Get Moving: Building ramps to explore rolling!πŸš™πŸ›ž

Let’s Get Moving: Exploring objects that bounce! βš½οΈπŸ€

World Children’s DayπŸ§’πŸΌπŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸΎ

St Colmcille's celebrated World Children's Day on Wednesday! The theme this year was 'Listen to the Future.' We encouraged children to use their voices on the global issue of climate change. By listening to children we can fulfil their right to self-expression, understand their ideas for a better world and include their priorities in our actions today!  Each class learnt about the causes of climate change and how climate change is negatively impacting the lives of children all around the world. They then took part in  protest rallies to voice their concerns  and demand that our local government and world leaders take action to save  and protect our planet and  the lives of all children globally! Article 24 & 12 of the UNCRC, All children have the  right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. children and young people have the right to the best health possible.


The Tiny Seed 🌱🌸

P2B read a beautiful story called ‘The Tiny Seed’ this week. Taking inspiration from the story, they decided to plant their own seeds in our new outdoor classroom. The children excitedly prepared the soil, planted the seeds, and discussed the importance of caring for them as they grow. This activity helped them connect with the story's themes of growth and perseverance!

Living Things Hunt πŸ”ŽπŸŒΈπŸ¦‹

As part of our "Living Things" learning, the children went on a living things hunt this week. We learned that living things grow, breathe, and move. During our exploration, we found many living things in our environment, such as trees, plants, and birds. The children enjoyed discovering how these living things interact with the world around them!

Living Things 

This week, Primary 2 explored their new "World Around Us" topic, focusing on living things. They sorted objects into living and non-living categories, and the boys and girls worked excellently together to problem-solve.
