Practising our balancing
This week in Gymnastics we have been learning a range of balances, such as the arabesque, stork and dish balances. The children practised these in pairs, using the mirroring technique to copy their partners moves. Then they tried their new skills in a sequence, adding a range of jumps.
P5 have been working on their gymnastics skills, focusing on jumps and rolls this week. The children practised some of the jumps they knew and then tried the straddle and tuck rolls. After some practice, they worked in groups to create a sequence of jumps and rolls.

Multi Skills
We have been working on our coordination, balance and agility through multi skills circuits. This week the children tried a series of stations, such as speed bouncing, balance diamond and the agility run. They worked hard to improve on their previous scores with each attempt.

November Dodgeball
We have been developing our throwing and dodging skills over the past few weeks, learning how to work as an effective team to play dodgeball. The pupils thought about strategies to be the winning team.

October Fitness
P5 have been working on their fitness levels, building up our stamina and resilience, alongside strengthening our muscles. We have worked on moving through a range of different circuits to envelop different parts of our bodies.

September Athletics
P5 have been developing their athletics ability over the last few weeks, we have been working on long jumps, triple jumps, hurdles and shotput. The children have been focusing on getting the best techniques to gain the best results.