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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


Creating 3D nets

Thursday 30th January


Building on previous weeks’ learning about 3D shapes, P7 were today tasked with creating their own 3D shapes, through drawing, measuring and cutting appropriate nets. 

Exploring the properties of 3D shapes

Thursday 16th January


Today in our Numeracy Topic work, the boys and girls explored the properties of regular and irregular 3D shapes through interpreting a variety of 3D shapes.  

Problem-Solving with Izak 9!

Wednesday 15th January

Problem Solving

Monday 16th December


As part of this weeks' Problem Solving, Primary 7 pupils explored the use of calculators to solve problems of a complex nature, as well as complete calculator challenge games. This also tied in well with the topic of Money Wise, where pupils calculated a series of Interest rate Challenges. 

Exploring Area and Perimeter in our local environment 

Thursday 28th November


Today in Primary 7, we put previous learning in relation to exploring area and perimeter into the local environment, by using trundle wheels to measure areas and perimeters of markings, buildings and other landmarks within our outdoor learning environment. 

Mental Maths- 'Making tens/ Bridging through 10'

Monday 18th November



As part of our Mental Maths 'Strategy of the fortnight', we honed in on the 'Making tens/ Bridging through 10' strategy, through a range of classroom-based and outdoor challenges which involved exploring the strategy in more detail. 

Volume Research on iPads

Thursday 7th November


As part of Primary 7's exploration of volume and capacity, pupils undertook some research on volume and capacity, as well as took part in a range of related challenges on the 'Word Wall' Website. 

Maths Week Ireland 

Tuesday 15th October


Today we celebrated Maths Week Ireland, by taking part in a ‘Magic Maths’ workshop, alongside 300 other schools across the country. A great way to get Maths Week underway! 

Problem Solving on Mathletics

Wednesday 9th October 


Today in our Problems and Investigations learning, Primary 7 used Mathletics to explore their focus of ‘Trials and Investigations’, by attempting to complete the number maze. By trialling different strategies, pupils worked hard to find their solution. Well done! 

Multiplying by powers of 10, using place value

Monday 23rd September


This morning, Primary 7 ventured to the outdoor classroom to take part in some mental maths warmups, as well as exploring the role of place value when multiplying by powers of 10. It was great to begin our week's learning by getting outdoors!

Maths trails!

Wednesday 11th September


As part of today's learning in Problems and Investigations, Primary 7 headed outdoors to our Daily Mile track and surrounding outdoor learning areas, to partake in a range of problem-solving investigative tasks. Working in teams, they collaborated to solve a range of Maths trail challenges! 

Place Value recap

Monday 2nd September


Today, Primary 7 reviewed and explored place value, up to quadrillions as a challenge! We explored the role of commas in place value, as well as how place value forms the way numbers are verbally said. 
