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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


Shared Writing Task- work in teams to create a story mountain, based on a familiar story

Wednesday 29th January

Phonics - Finding Variations of the  ‘z’ sound

Wednesday 8th January

Phonics games

Tuesday 17th December


Primary 7 have been exploring variations of phonics sounds covered over the term, through playing various games of 'find the sound'. In the game, pupils rage with a partner to find the correct sound variation based on the sound called out. 


Monday 11th November


Today in Literacy, we worked in groups to create a range of comprehension questions for their selected letter of VIPERS. These were all based on the 'Birthday Boy' video from Literacy Shed+. 

The 'air' sound

Wednesday 13th November


Today, Primary 7 focused on their phonics sound of the week, through finding a range of the focus sound examples within a newspaper. We also took the opportunity to catch up on recent news in the world around us. 



Researching the features of Persuasive writing

Wednesday 6th November


As part of Primary 7's new writing theme of 'persuasive writing', Primary 7 worked hard to explore the key features of persuasive writing and the effect they have on persuading others to follow a course of action. 

Outdoor ERIC time

Monday 7th October


In Primary 7, we love to grab our books at every opportunity for a quick read. It was great to take our ERIC time outdoors to our Rainbow Garden this afternoon, to make the most of the pleasant Autumnal afternoon. 

National Poetry Day 2024

Friday 4th October 


To celebrate National Poetry Day 2024, we focused on the theme of ‘counting’ and specifically- Making our voices count!


Linking with our RE work on Social Justice, we created poems on making our voices count against injustices in our world- based on ‘The Magic Box’ poem by Kit Wright. 

‘Still I Rise’ Diversity sessions- Final Day

Friday 4th October 


Primary 7 took part in their last of four sessions with Orla, from ‘Still I Rise’. Today’s session was a cumulative approach to the learning of recent weeks, where the girls and boys attempted to teach their own lessons on diversity, inclusion and the celebration of differences, through the power of storytelling. After working on their stories over several days, P7 then shared them with Orla and the rest of the class. Well done P7 and a huge thank you to Orla for all her work over the past four weeks- her lessons have been inspirational and motivating for our Primary 7s moving forward! 

European Day of Languages

Thursday 26th September



Today in Primary 7, like classrooms all over Europe, we celebrated European Day of Languages. As part of our celebrations, we explored the importance of our own native irish language, as well as the celebration of European and global languages. We took part in a range of games through the medium of Irish, as well as explore the Irish and Bulgarian alphabets- even attempting to create some words and phrases in Bulgarian!

Reading for pleasure!

Thursday 19th September


Primary 7 made the most of our beautiful Indian Summer, by taking their ERIC time (Everyone reading in class) outdoors!

Finding the 'Ay' sound in Newspapers

Wednesday 18th September


With this week's sound of the week being 'ay', P7 spent some time exploring our local news and while doing so, finding variations of the 'ay' sound within writing.

Roald Dahl Day

Friday 13th September


Today, we celebrated the stories of Roald Dahl! We took part in an online lesson celebrating his stories, as well as some Numeracy challenges relating to the characters and storylines of Roald Dahl!

Literacy Shed- Titanium

Tuesday 3rd September


This week, P7 began their literacy shed unit of lessons. Over the next few weeks, we will explore the 'Titanium' video and use this as the basis of our lessons. This week, we focused on developing descriptive similes and metaphors to describe the events of Titanium. Well done, P7, on a good start to our Literacy Shed lessons!
