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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


WALT: We are learning to identify ways to be a good friend 🫢


The boys and girls in P1 have been learning about building healthy relationships. This week, we learned about how to be a good friends. The children identified ways in which to be a good friend and Mrs O’Hare collated them on the whiteboard. We then, as a group, decided to show friendship by making one of the pupils who is off sick, a get well soon card ❀️‍🩹 The P1s have been showing great friendship! 

🟑 WALT: Recognise who keeps us safe in school 🟑

We have been discussing how to let someone know if you are feeling sad in school and who to go to if you are feeling this way.

πŸ¦‹ WALT: Recognise and name our emotions πŸ¦‹

We have been learning how to recognise our emotions. We have discussed things to do when feeling certain emotions and carry out daily wellbeing check ins.

✏️WALT: Write and recognise our name.

We have been learning to write our name using different sensory materials. 
