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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


100 days of school - This week we celebrated 100 days of school. During the week we enjoyed a range of activities, such as mental maths challenges and a special 100 days homework. P5B took part in a challenge to see what they could achieve in 100 seconds. How many pogo jumps could they do? How many words could they read and write? How many press ups and sit ups could they do? They exceeded even their own expectations!

Learning to check answers using multiplication and division fact families - In numeracy today, we revised our understanding of division facts and their links to multiplication. The children worked on matching division and multiplication fact families through games and group activities.

Length - Primary 5 were introduced to the new numeracy topic of length. This involved estimating lengths of different classroom objects and deciding on which unit of measurement to apply correctly. The children enjoyed estimating the lengths themselves and then measuring these objects using rulers and metre sticks.

Doubling and Halving - This week, the boys and girls of Primary 5 focused on the doubling and halving strategy. This helped the children to gain a greater understanding of how to break down larger numbers for calculations and the relationship between doubling and halving numbers.

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 - We have been working on dividing in our Numeracy lessons and today we focused on different strategies for dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. The children worked on moving the digits using place value charts and then tried their own problem solving activity, matching the equations to answers.

WALT: Use varied division language to explore dividing into equal groups - P5 have been exploring division this week in Numeracy. They tried it practically first, using counters to try division equations on their whiteboards. We discussed the importance of counting carefully to make equal groups. Our next step will be working on abstract equations to link multiplication and division facts.

Finding times before and after through bridging - P5B have been enjoying the topic of time in Numeracy. Today we worked on finding times before and after, for example 15 minutes after 3pm. Then we worked on ‘bridging the hour’, splitting the time up to help us to tell the time. We explored this together and then the children took part in a game of Bingo, in which they had to work out the times before and after a given time and find them on their cards.

The boys and girls of Primary 5 took part in some activity based learning through playing time bingo this week! We are learning how to convert time between analogue and digital clocks and from 12 hour to 24 hour time! Great fun was had by all! ⏰⌚️

This week, we made different patterns and sequences using the IZAK 9 mathematics cubes to figure out the missing numbers in each.

This week in numeracy, the boys and girls of P5B learned about the different types of triangles and their specific properties. The children then created their own equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right-angled triangles, using their creativity with the use of various classroom objects including pipe cleaners, tape and colouring pencils to name a few! The children thoroughly enjoyed the task! 📐🧮

We have been exploring vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are and which lines different 2D shapes have in them by folding and highlighting the lines.

This week the boys and girls of P5B were introduced to the mental maths strategy of breaking down factors into smaller factors! The children completed some super examples and then used their ICT skills to transfer their knowledge of this strategy into a poster on Adobe Express! Fantastic work from Primary 5! 🔢💻

This week in numeracy for P5B the focus was on our 6 and 7 times tables. The boys and girls played a few games of bingo and had great fun with this! After this, the children had a challenge for their 6 and 7 times tables on “Hit the button” with a partner trying to achieve the highest score! Some fantastic multiplication skills displayed from P5B! 🔢✖️

This week the boys and girls in P5B focused on multiplying by 10 and 100 using place value charts to represent this. This helped the children to understand the movement of digits to the left when multiplying by these numbers! Lots of fun during learning was had!

This week in numeracy we have been exploring multiplication facts, and using other known multiplication facts to solve answers we don’t know. The children competed a treasure hunt, looking for the correct answers to find the hidden clue!

MATHS WEEK IRELAND 2024! The boys and girls of P5B celebrated Maths Week Ireland this week and had great fun using our numeracy skills for a variety of different tasks including outdoor learning using our outdoor classroom and facilities, we also took part in a mental maths challenge using a range of key strategies and finished the week off with a live webinar on problem solving through shape! A brilliant week in the school calendar that the children of P5B thoroughly enjoyed! ➕➖✖️➗📚

This week we focused on the mental maths subtraction strategy of removal/counting back through decomposition. The boys and girls enjoyed the challenge and are now more confident in this strategy! Well done P5B! 🧠➕➖

The boys and girls of P5B participated in a subtraction olympics this week using both their numeracy and PE skills to work out a number of column subtraction questions in the rainbow garden on a lovely sunny afternoon! 🌈☀️

In Numeracy, we have been focusing on place value to 10,000. This week, P5B participated in an outdoor scavenger hunt around the school. The children had to find numbers ranging from 1-10,000 scattered around the playground and order these in ascending and descending order. The children had great fun on a lovely, sunny afternoon!
