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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


🦜 Tim Bailie visits P3 🦜

We were very lucky this week and got to meet Tim Bailie a local author!
He read his fantastic story to us and made us all laugh! 
thanks for a wonderful time Tim! 

πŸ“– National Storytelling Week πŸ“–

We created a wonderful assembly and showed it to our family members on Friday 31st January.

This began our activities for National Storytelling Week. 

Included in our assembly were pictures of our favourite spots to read. Check out the gallery below to see! 

πŸ—£οΈ Speech Marks πŸ—£οΈ

We have been learning all about when to use speech marks this week. We looked at how to create a speech mark sandwich and then used macaroni pasta to show where the speech marks go in text.

⭐️ Commas ⭐️

This week we have been looking at where we use commas in text.
We used whiteboards to build a shopping list including all the commas we needed! 

🏊‍♀️ S Consonant Blends ⛷️
We have been working this week on S blends, in particular we looked at sp, sk, sw, st and str.
Using Pic Collage we made posters to show s blend words and pictures.

⭐️ Christmas Bauble Phonics ⭐️

We used Christmas baubles to build words! Using the picture as a guide we chose the correct baubles to build our words using our knowledge of phonics. It was a fun festive activity. 

πŸŽ… Santa’s Sentence Repair Workshop πŸŽ… 

We worked like Santa’s elves to fix broken sentences. Our sentences could have missing capital letters, spelling mistakes and missing full stops. We had to study each one and write the correct sentence on our whiteboards.

⭐️ Past Tense Verbs ⭐️

We played a variety of games all based on identifying last tense verbs! We have been working on adding -ed to the end of verbs to explain what we have done in the past! We also learned that if the verb ends in e then add the ed!

πŸ–οΈ Chalk Phonics πŸ–οΈ

We used chalk this week to write -ee words with the ee, ie, y and ea sound variations. 

🍁 Autumn Poems 🍁

We worked in groups to create Autumn poems based on our senses. We thought of adjectives to add to each line to make our writing more exciting for the reader! 

🍰 Phonics: ay, a_e, ai πŸš‚

We have been looking the variations of the ay sound. We make words with the ay, a_e and ai sounds. We painted the words, played board games and built the words with letter cubes and magnetic letters. 

⭐️ High Frequency Words ⭐️

We played a game called Sighties on the Top Marks website. We had to listen carefully to the word that was said and match it to the correct character with that word on their shirt.

πŸ’₯ Playdough Words πŸ’₯

We used stampers to make high frequency words and spellings in Playdough. 

🌻 Noun Hunt 🌻

We have been working this week on identifying nouns. We did a VIPERS session on it in class and then went out into the outdoor classroom to discover the nouns we could see in the playground. We split into groups and then met back in the outdoor classroom to collate all the nouns we found and organise them into places, people and things. 

πŸ‘» Mummy Biscuits πŸŽƒ

To help us with our instructional writing we made spooky Halloween Mummy biscuits. We made the treats in class together and then wrote a set of instructions to show others how they are made. We focused on using time connectives and bossy verbs in our writing. 

🎩 Top Hats 🎩

We have been working on instructional writing this term in our literacy writing lessons. To help us understand how to create instructions we made top hats together in class and then used this experience to create a set of instructions that others could use to make some. They were delicious and an excellent way to showcase how instructions need to be a clear step by step guide for the reader to follow. 

🀴 Phonics- ng and qu πŸ‘Έ
This week we have been focusing on the -ng and -qu sounds.

We had a rotation of fun activities to help us revise these sounds. 

πŸ‘‘ Playdough- we used stampers to create different words. 
πŸ‘‘ Paint- we painted words using these sounds.,

πŸ‘‘ Sketchpads- we wrote words with these sounds on our LCD pads

πŸ‘‘ iPads- we created pic collages with images and words related to these sounds.

πŸ‘‘ Word Processing- using the Pages app we typed sentences using these sounds.

πŸ“• Alphabetical Order πŸ“•

We worked on putting letters into alphabetical order this week. Firstly we worked in small groups to order the letters we had and then we joined together as a whole class and had to work out the alphabetical order of all the letters we had.

☁️ VIPERS- A Cloudy Lesson ☁️

This week we watched a short film called ‘A Cloudy Lesson’. In the short film the two main characters created clouds by blowing into a special cloud blower and could be manipulated into different shapes to creat clouds of different shapes and sizes. We have been working on using imperative verbs in our literacy lessons so we used these skills to instruct our partner on how to make their own cloud blowers using pipe cleaners. 

🎈 Balloon Phonics 🎈

We played a game on the laptop to help revise our initial, ending and middle sounds. We had to listen to the words and identify the correct letters. 

🟣 VIPERS- A Squash and a Squeeze 🟣

We have been working on the book A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson. Over the week we acted out scenes from the book, discussed how the characters felt and looked for phrases in the book that showed us how the characters are feeling. 

🀍 Phonics: We are revising our word building skills 🀍

We worked on word building skills we developed in P2 this week to show Mrs Cassidy how fantastic we are in phonics. She was super impressed! 
We had 4 activities to work on

🀍 Building words with Phonix cubes.

🀍 Writing silly sentences with word cards.

🀍 Building words with magnetic letters

🀍Highlighting HFW words in books
