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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


30/1/25 WALT understand and convert units of measure. Pupils in P6 have been learning about units of measure and how to convert them. They have completed practical tasks including measuring, interactive quizzes and games on the iPad to sharpen their skills.

22/1/25 WALT solve number problems number problems using IZAK 9 as a stimulus. Problem solving was very practical in P6 this week as we got to grips with the IZAK 9 blocks. Pupils solved problems using the numbers shown on the blocks - answering such questions as β€˜multiply the largest prime number by the smallest odd number.’ Great fun and great learning!

8/1/25 WALT solve word problems. Pupils completed word problems using online resources such as Mathletics and BBC game Guardians of Mathematica.

7/1/25 WALT round numbers. P6 pupils revised rounding this week before facing challenges in rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000 and decimal numbers to the nearest whole digit. The pupils also used the BBC game Guardians of Mathematica to revise key skills such as mental calculations, reading tables and solving word problems.

11/12/24 WALT solve reasoning problems. P6 pupils loved using Mathletics to solve their problems this week! The pupils were faced with a variety of reasoning problems where they had to think hard and justify their answers. There was lots of problem solving skills in practise, including trial and error and working backwards.

19/11/24 WALT multiply using the strategy of adding zeroes. Pupils really enjoyed learning and practising the mental maths strategy of multiplying by adding zeroes. The pupils used their skills to crack codes on the app Book Creator - great fun and a great way to put their knowledge to the test!

4/11/24 WALT understand and complete reflections. In P6 we are always refining and revising previously learned skills to keep them fresh! This week we looked at completing reflections using mirrors to help us. Great fun!

14/10/24 Maths Week Ireland. WALT solve problems. P6 started off Maths Week with a bang by taking part in a live lesson that challenged them to solve a variety of problems. The problems were engaging and challenged the pupils to work together to come up with the answers.

October 2024 - WALT have quick recall of times tables. P6 have been working hard to improve their quick recall of their times tables, practising in a variety of ways! This will help the children in so many areas of the Numeracy Curriculum.

9/10/24 WALT identify prime numbers. We love a morning challenge in P6 and this week we have focussed on understanding and identifying prime numbers. The boys and girls are making great progress in this area thanks to their excellent times tables knowledge!

3/10/24 WALT read and understand line graphs. P6 pupils have been working hard to read and understand line graphs, working together to answer questions on different graphs. The pupils are preparing to draw their own line graphs in the coming days.

2/10/24 WALT work in a group to solve a range of problems. P6 enjoyed getting outdoors for their problem solving this week as they took to the Daily Mile to solve a variety of maths problems. The pupils had various roles, recorder, leader, questioner as they worked their way through number, shape and space and estimation problems. As you can see from the photos, the pupils loved the challenge!

24/9/24 WALT draw a bar char. We completed our bar chart display!

23/9/24 WALT create a bar chart. Primary 6 have been really enjoying learning about bar charts and have created their own based on our topic, Textiles. The pupils have looked at which countries Ireland import textiles from and used this data to create the bar charts. You can see their work in progress below!

WALT understand the value of digits. Pupils continued their good work on place value by sharpening their knowledge of what a digit represents. This knowledge has helped them in their book work which has focussed on comparing and ordering numbers.

WALT solve place value problems. The pupils took their maths problem solving outdoors this week. They were tasked with finding the biggest/smallest odd and even numbers they could by combining the numbers on cars in the car park. They worked together to question each other on the different digit values in each number. A different but fun way to solve problems!

WALT read, write and understand numbers up to one million. The pupils have been revising place value this week. They have been reading, writing and developing their understanding of six digit numbers by playing interactive games.
