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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

Rights Reps

Creating a newsletter!

This week, our Rights Representatives took a look through our website to gather information about all the work they have been doing since the beginning of the year. They then used this information to help create a Rights Council Newsletter! This newsletter will be published once a term and it will outline all the work that the rights team are putting in, as we push for the gold award! Our first newsletter will published at the end of the week. Keep your eyes peeled!πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

Rights around the school!

Our Rights Representatives had a very productive meeting this week! They had a discussion about the different areas around our school that help to uphold the children’s rights. The rights team then had the task of making links to specific articles and labelling these areas with a range of different signs around the school. This discussion really helped us gain a better understanding of how our school respects and upholds our pupils rights! 

Rights update!                


Well done to our fantastic new Rights Reps for creating this fantastic assembly to introduce themselves, keep us up to date with all things Rights related in school and for informing us about our participation in UNICEF'S Outright campaign this year and our World Children's Day Celebrations! 


Please see the link below to view their assembly.


Rights Group Assembly



Meet our new Rights Council members! This year they will be working very hard to lead St Colmcille's on our journey to become a Gold Rights Respecting school! They will be organising lots of fun activities and events, as well as sharing important Rights information with you all! They are all very much looking forward to the challenge and a busy year ahead! UNCRC Articles 42 & 12, All children and adults should know and learn about the convention and all children have the right to be heard and listened to.

Our newly elected Rights Reps for 2023-2024 had their first meeting today! They are busy putting together our new action plan for working towards our Gold award! They also voted on our special Duty Bearer of the week!

Last year the pupils in St. Colmcille's Primary School elected Class Reps to support us along our journey in becoming a Rights Respecting School. In preparation for our first Rights Day on Tuesday 27th September the Class Reps met and reviewed the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) and selected 14 rights that they felt would be beneficial for the whole school community to focus on to help develop our awareness and understanding of children's rights. During our Rights Day celebration they then selected a number of key places to display the 14 rights around the school to ensure that everyone can be reminded of them daily.

2022-2023 Rights Reps
