Features of a newspaper report!
This week, P4B looked at a newspaper report. The children worked in groups to identify the different features of a newspaper report. This will help prepare the children for writing their own newspaper report next week!
Narrative Writing~ Familiarisation
As we begin to learn about narrative writing, P4B were given the chance to bring in their favourite story book. They were given a chance to tell their partner about their book and then they had to work together to identify the key features of narrative writing!
Dictionary workππ
P4B used their dictionary skills to identify words with the “ow” sound. They love using the dictionaries and are continuing to develop their skills!
ERIC timeπ
P4B enjoyed some ERIC time today. Each child picked a book to read from our well resources reading corner. Children then had 5 minutes to talk to their table about their book. During this conversation, children got the chance to practice their summarising skills as they had to summarise what their book was about/what happened.
π¦Introduction to Fantastic Mr Fox!π¦
Today P4B started their new novel, Fantastic Mr Fox! We read the first few chapters before engaging in some hot seating! The children were fantastic as they got into character and answered lots of questions.
Spelling Practice!
P4B used matchsticks and play dough to practice their spellings for this week!
Modelled Writing
P4B worked with a piece of modelled writing this week. We looked at the key features of the recount. The children then worked independently to highlight the key features such as time connectives, adjectives and answering the 5Ws.
Mrs Claus Recount
P4B watched “Mrs Claus” and then worked together as a class to write a recount of the story! They made sure to include all the key features of a recount!
HFW and phonics revision
We took part in lots of different practical activities to help us practice our word building, phonics and High Frequency Words (HFW). We used playdough to build our spellings for this week. We also used bottle caps to build words. This was a great activity to help children develop their phonemic awareness. We also played ‘Kaboom’. This was a game where children took turns to pull a lollipop stick from a pot in the middle of the desk. Each lollipop stick had a HFW written on it. If the child could say the word, they kept the stick. However, some sticks had “KABOOM” written on them. If you pulled out this stick, you lost all your lollipop sticks! The children really enjoyed this activity. Lastly, children played a phonics game to help them revise the sounds we have covered so far this year!
Pumpkin decorationsπ»
In P4B, we made paper plate pumpkins decorations! The children then wrote instructions of how to make their wonderful decoration. We made sure to use our time connectives, bossy verbs and adverbs!
Race Car Write!
P4B practiced their High Frequency Words this week with a game of ‘Race Car Write’. The High Frequency Word is displayed on the board for 10 seconds. In this time, we say the word repeatedly and spell the word out loud. Children are then given the ‘green light’ and they must write the word on their whiteboard as many times as they can. When the ‘red light’ flashes on the board, children must stop writing. The children really enjoyed this activity and it was a great way to practice our High Frequency Words!
Shared Instructional Writing
In our outdoor classroom, we worked as a class to write a piece of instructional writing. We focused on the importance of having a clear title, a list of equipment/ingredients and clear steps. We also made sure to use time connectives and bossy verbs!
Common and Proper Nouns
In our outdoor classroom, we identified lots of Common and Proper Nouns. We then used some practical resources to consolidate our learning on this!
Nonsense Words
In our Rainbow Garden, P4B were given a special challenge. A range of words were stuck to the chalkboard. Some words were real words, others were nonsense words. Children had to choose a word and decide if it was real or nonsense. If the word was nonsense, it went in the Monster Bin! If it was a real word, it went into the treasure chest! We had a discussion after this about the words that we had sorted.
Instructional Writing- Problem Solving!
P4B took part in a literacy problem solving challenge. They were given a jumbled up piece of instructional writing which they then had to put in the correct order! The children showed great knowledge of the features of instructional writing!
Familiarisation with Instructional Writing!
P4B instructed Mr. Rea how to make a ham and butter sandwich. During this, children learnt the importance of using clear and effective instructions. We then worked together to identify the key features of a piece of instructional writing.
Roald Dahl Day!
This week P4B celebrated Roald Dahl with a range of different activities. Children created their own Roald Dahl characters, recommended some new books to Matilda and took part in a challenge where they had to name as many Roald Dahl characters as they could! To finish the day, children were given the opportunity to create their very own potion, just like George from “George’s Marvellous Medicine!”
Dictionary Detectives!
P4B learnt the very useful skill of how to use a dictionary today. Children were given a word and whoever found the word first in the dictionary, was awarded a table point! The children loved this activity and picked up the skill very quickly when table points were on the line!
Introducing 'George's Marvellous Medicine'!
This week, we began to read our class novel, ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’.
P4B took part in ‘hot seating’ where some children pretended to be George and Grandma from our story. We asked George and Grandma lots of questions to get a better understanding of the characters and the story. P4B came up with some fantastic questions! The children answering questions used brilliant vocabulary and explained their answers very well! It was like having George and Grandma in the classroom!