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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ†πŸ… Weekly Award Winners πŸ†πŸ…

🌟 Congratulations to our latest winners of the Pupil of the Week Award who have impressed everyone this week with their hard work in class and excellent behaviour!

πŸ“œ Well done to our Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week. These pupils have been exemplary at showing respect for the rights of their friends throughout the week. Well done to Mr Harbinson, our Duty Bearer of the Week. The pupils in our rights steering group agreed that Mr Harbinson is dedicated to ensuring that the pupils in our school’s rights are protected. 

β™ŸοΈ On Friday,  Olivia was awarded the Weekly Chess Champion trophy! Well done Olivia!

Congratulations everyone!πŸ‘πŸ‘
