π»π€© Techknow Club Coding Final π»π€©
Our P7 Coding club travelled to W5 Belfast today, to participate in the 2023 TechKnow Club Coding Final! After many months of hard work in order to learn and develop HTML code, Emily, Emma, Aaron and Ethan then had to rebuild their website from scratch: under time pressure and under the watchful eye of the judges! Our Coding Club performed remarkably well under such pressure and were able to fully rebuild their website in full working order, using HTML code and JavaScript. Our group then presented their website and code to the judges, where they had to explain the various elements used and the coding skills used. The judges highly commended our school’s provision for coding, as well the group on their remarkable coding skills- which was commented on as being at a GCSE pass level! The group can be very proud of their achievements, where they represented themselves and their school proudly. Well done Emily, Emma, Aaron and Ethan!