💷💰 St. Colmcille’s PS School Credit Union 💷💰
What is a SCU?
A School Credit Union is operated by both your school and Downpatrick Credit Union Ltd (DCU). It’s an easy way for young people like you to start saving for the things you want.
Your SCU will operate every Friday!
How do I Join my SCU?
New member applications are available from the school reception. Your child’s birth certificate can be copied at the school reception. Applications can be completed at any time and left in reception during school hours.
New member applications will be collected by DCU from 8.55am every Friday. Accounts will be opened and new pass books returned to the school reception every week.
How can I save with my SCU?
Deposits and pass books can be left in reception at any time during school hours. Deposits and pass books will be collected by DCU from 8.55am every Friday. Pass wallets will be updated and returned to the school reception at the start of each week. Statements of account will be posted to students after the end of the school year
How Can I withdraw my savings?
Withdrawals can be made by calling into DCU Office, Market Street, Downpatrick. Students must be accompanied by the parent/guardian signing on the child’s account.
*Tips for saving with your SCU*
Remember to set yourself a savings goal. Something which you can save up to buy in a few weeks or it might be something bigger which will take a longer time to save for. It is easier to save when you know what you are saving for. If you get pocket money, put a little aside each time you receive it. You’ll be surprised how quickly it builds up. It is important to save on a regular basis, no matter how small the amount is. This helps to develop a regular savings habit.
Let’s CU start saving today with your School Credit Union!