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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ“š Roald Dahl Day 2022 πŸ“š

On Tuesday 13th September St Colmcille's Primary School celebrated Roald Dahl Day - a special day to remember the talented author who wrote more than 20 children's books.  
Roald Dahl died on 23rd November 1990. Every year, since the 13th September 2006 - on what would have been his birthday - there's a special Roald Dahl Day to celebrate his stories and their characters. This year would have been his 106th birthday! The boys and girls spent the day learning all about Roald Dahl's life, reading some of his most popular stories and participating in a range of creative and engaging activities.  
Each class received a 'Golden Ticket' which was awarded for enthusiasm, positive input and impressive effort. This Golden Ticket earned the winning pupil a homework pass for one evening and one extra hour of golden time. Congratulations to all our Golden Ticket winners!
