βπ»π§ P7 Entrepreneurs βπ»π§
Primary 7 are positively overwhelmed by the support and fantastic feedback regarding our business Fruit and Vegi-Pals. Thank you to everyone who has supported our young entrepreneurs on the beginning of their journey into business.
Primary 7 have started the process of delivering items. Items will be delivered by year group with Primary 1-3, including LSC 1-3, having received their items this week. Primary 4 onwards will receive their items next week.
Unfortunately, we are not in a position to take any more orders at this moment in time, however, there will be a one-off stall opened within school in the next few weeks. Anyone who did not get a chance to order a Fruit and Vegi-Pal will be given priority to make a purchase during this sale.
Thank you again to our school community for your fantastic continued support.