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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ•ŠβœοΈ P7 Confirmation πŸ•ŠβœοΈ

Congratulations to all our wonderful Primary 7 pupils who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday at St. Patrick’s Church, Downpatrick Parish. We hope that you enjoyed this special day with your friends and families. A special thanks to Canon Murray for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation with our pupils and to Father Toland, our School Chaplain, for his ongoing work in developing and nurturing the faith in St. Colmcille’s.  Thank you also to Mrs Aoife Curran, our Primay 7 teachers and all school staff who helped prepare our Primary 7 pupils to receive the Sacrament. St. Colmcille, St. Patrick and all the Saints of Ireland, pray for our Primary 7 pupils, that the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit may enrich their lives.
