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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ˜„πŸŽ‰ Jump & Bounce Area Completed πŸ˜„πŸŽ‰

Our State-of-the-art Jump & Bounce Area is now fully completed- it has been in the planning and construction phase for nearly a year.
It was officially opened on Friday morning and school staff & pupils were delighted to be joined by Our Chair of Governors Mrs Noreen Meehan & Vice Chair of Governors Mr Jack Manley.
The area includes: 
-3 state of the art Berg Trampolines & Safety Net Cages 
-Natural playback surface
-Ranch Style Fencing 

We want all our children to have access to great facilities and experience fun playtimes. There is a strong link between enjoyable recreational opportunities and improved classroom performance. This area will also be used for Bounce Therapy which will assist pupils with Social, Emotional, Behaviour and Wellbeing Issues. We are very proud of our facilities at St Colmcille’s PS- this area is a strong addition to our existing premises. 
The children/staff had a safety presentation from Mr Austin recently at Assembly and (the children) were over the moon to finally get bouncing, please see attached photos. The area will be timetabled to ensure classes have regular access.

The area has undergone a rigorous health & safety assessment and has all relevant safety precautions in place including policies, risk assessment and daily maintenance schedule. 
Thank you to all those involved in bringing this area to fruition including; 

Mr McReynolds Outdoor Environment Coordinator/SMT, our grounds team Densie Douglas, Bill Carew, Ryan Craig and Brian Tweedie, Marianne Dempsey VP & SENCO, our very supportive BoG & PTFA, the EA Grounds team and Lawrence & Gareth Blaney who always give freely of their woodwork talents.
