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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ£πŸ˜„ Easter Fun Day πŸ£πŸ˜„

All our pupils were treated to an extra special Easter Fun Day yesterday, packed with fun and exciting activities throughout the day. Everyone enjoyed visiting the animal farm to see the goats, sheep and donkeys and were taken on a fun tractor ride together with their friends. Throughout the day, each class took part in an Easter Egg Hunt around the school grounds, as part of their learning in Numeracy Problem-Solving. Our wonderful PTFA also provided every pupil in school with an Easter egg to take home and organised a special Easter Tuck Shop full of tasty treats to choose from. Thank you very much to everyone who made our Easter Fun Day so enjoyable for the pupils, especially Mr Michael Keenan, for kindly lending us his vintage Massey Ferguson tractor and trailer, to our fantastic PTFA volunteers and of course our school staff! Happy Easter everyone!
