π€ Cost of Living Crisis Support π€
We understand the cost of living crisis is impacting on a number of members our school community. We greatly value everyone in our school community and want to help in whatever way possible. Therefore, we will be putting the following measures in place, which are designed to be of assistance.
1. Free break - healthy snack and drink. Available Monday to Friday (must be ordered daily via Seesaw).
2. Free Christmas Pantomime Trip for all pupils.
3. A meeting with Principal or Vice Principal (at request of parent) to explore support available from local agencies.
4. Low cost After-School Clubs and Breakfast Club.
5. Warm Places & Spaces- School will be open on a Monday Evening from 6pm to 8pm, for any community member to come for free tea, coffee and biscuits, to read the newspaper/magazines and socialise etc. (additional evenings may be made available if demand is sufficient).
These initiatives are designed to help those families in genuine need during this time of financial uncertainty.