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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸ™πŸ’œ Catholic Schools Week πŸ™πŸ’œ


This week at St. Colmcille’s, we have been celebrating Catholic Schools Week. Each day, the children completed activities connected to the theme: Catholic Schools as Communities of Service. On Wednesday, we celebrated Grandparents’ Day. The children from P1 and P7 invited their grandparents or a special person in to celebrate with a special tea/coffee morning and we acknowledged the important role grandparents play in our children’s lives. The rest of our children made lovely cards/poems and keepsakes for their grandparents. We had a winner from each key stage for their fabulous work and their grandparents/special person returned today for a lovely surprise. On Thursday, the P7 children served our local community by visiting the children in St. Colmcille’s Nursery school and carrying out an environmental cleanup at the Quoile Pondage Nature Reserve. The children also visited a number of businesses in the town who have been negatively impacted by the recent flooding. The children expressed their gratitude to these business owners and thanked them for their commitment to serving the people of Downpatrick and surrounding areas. Each business was given a small token to show our appreciation. Not all businesses have received gifts yet, in due course we hope to get around everyone. It has been a very rewarding and positive week, one which gave us the opportunity to put our faith into action. I’m sure you will agree this is reflected in our photos and in our children’s work. Thank you to all of our dedicated staff who assisted the children this week and a special mention to our two excellent RE coordinators, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Curran for all of their organisation during this successful week.

#CatholicSchoolsWeek #CommunitiesOfService
