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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

๐Ÿซถ Love For Life Workshops ๐Ÿซถ

This week, children in Primary 6 enjoyed a workshop based on ‘Choices and Changes’, a very informative talk about the choices we must make through life and how we can deal with them. They also thought about their own strengths and chatted about who at home is their podium person that they can rely on at home, at school or at their clubs outside of school. Primary 7 pupils explored the theme, ‘What’s Inside?’, where they identified how ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ occur in all of our loves and how we can be resilient through these challenges. The children also explored the changes they will go through as they get older and the key steps they can take to support themselves on this journey. These were very enjoyable and beneficial workshops, which was enjoyed by all in Primary 6 and 7. Many thanks to ‘Love for Life’ for their support in planning and delivering these workshops.
