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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres


P4A took part in an exciting debate about whether sea animals should be kept in water parks for our entertainment! This was part of problem solving for their new writing topic, โ€˜persuasive writing.โ€™

P4A have been learning to identify the features and 5Ws in a newspaper report. They worked with their learning partners to identify and highlight features in a news report and then used Microsoft Flip to record answers to the 5W questions to create an introduction to a news report using their class novel Fantastic Mr Fox!

For National Story Telling Week and as part of their narrative story writing topic P4A retold the story of Finn McCool the giant using Microsoft Flip. They used time connectives and adjectives to describe characters and settings and even changed the ending! They also enjoyed a special visit from the Armagh Rhymers!

For their new writing topic, โ€˜Narrative Writing,โ€™ P4A shared and explored their favourite narrative stories and worked together to identify important features and create a checklist so they can go on and create their own stories!

P4A have been taking part in โ€˜hot seatingโ€™ to explore the characters and their motivations in our new class novel, โ€˜Fantastic Mr Fox.โ€™

P4A have been taking part in lots of fun practical learning activities to revise their phonics knowledge!

P4A took part in shared writing to collaboratively write a recount about preparing and performing our Christmas play, 'Born in a Barn!'

P4A carved pumpkins this week and then independently wrote a set of instructions on how to do it! They used time connectives, bossy verbs, adverbs and lots of spooky adjectives!

P4A had a delicious time making chocolate apples this week! They then worked in groups to collaboratively write a set of instructions on how to make them! They did a fabulous job!

P4A made some delicious Tophats today! They then worked with Miss Wilson who modelled how to write instructions on how to make them!

P4A are currently reading, 'George's Marvellous Medicine.' They had lots of fun developing their understanding of the characters in the story by taking part in a hot seating activity. They got to become the characters and ask and answer questions!

P4A had fun taking part in a range of practical learning activities to learn about proper and common nouns!

P4A have been using their decoding skills to sort real and nonsense words this week!

As part of their writing topic P4A had great fun working in teams to problem solve and put a set of instructions to make George's Marvellous Medicine into the correct order! It got very competitive!

P4A had great fun familiarising themselves with instructional writing. They learnt how to give effect instructions by helping Miss Wilson make a jam sandwich and then enjoyed some themselves! After that, they worked with their learning partners to review instructions and identify important features! They also studied a poorly written set of instructions to make lemonade and worked together to improve it!

P4A have been creating their own dictionaries to record the meaning of new vocabulary and tricky words to help their spelling!

P4A have been taking part in lots of practical learning activities to practice spelling CVC, CCVC, CCVCC & high frequency words this week!
