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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

💟 P7 Love For Life Workshop 💟

P7 pupils from P7A, P7B and LSC4 were joined by Allison and Ryan from Love For Life on Thursday 24th March for an interactive workshop to help provide them with the tools to deal with the sudden and significant changes they face, that so often cause concern and anxiety at their age such as body confidence, relationships and who to turn to if they need help.
Primary 7 discussed characteristics which make them unique, by exploring the construction of their bodies, and discovered that growing up is a bit like being on a rollercoaster; it goes by quickly, it has ups and downs and sometimes there are bumps along the road, however it is ultimately fun and part of life’s journey and we should stay positive and enjoy it.
Everyone provided a fantastic contribution and engaged well with the team at Love for Life during this valuable learning experience.
