Latest Information Regarding Reopening of Schools
Please visit 'Newsletters' on our school website or click the link below to view theĀ letter from theĀ Education Minster Peter WeirĀ in relation toĀ the latestĀ information regarding theĀ reopening ofĀ schools.
Parents will receive an updatedĀ Return to School Note during the early part of next week as school leadership and governors take time to reflect and consultĀ on the latest guidance issued from the Department of EducationĀ this morning. This Return to School Note will be issued on our school website, app and Facebook Page.
Due to todayās guidance, school meals willĀ notĀ be available during the first week back. All pupils should bring a packed lunch to school during the week of 24th- 28thĀ August. The Summer Food Payment Scheme ceases on 31stĀ August. School meals will be available for pupils from 1stĀ September.