⭐️ Pupils of the Month & Rights Respecting Pupils of the Week ⭐️
Congratulations to our Pupils of the Month and Rights Respecting Pupils of the week, who have all demonstrated a wonderful attitude towards their learning and school life. They have led by example through their actions to promote and respect Children's Rights within our school.
A special mention to our Musicians of the Month winners who have impressed with their talents and efforts in music.
Well done to Mrs Flanagan who was voted as our Duty Bearer of the Week by our Rights Steering Group. Our Rights Steering Group recognised Mrs Flanagan’s relentless drive to give our pupils the best opportunities to learn and succeed, especially in literacy. Our special visit from author Charlie Graham this week is the latest example of the great experiences Mrs Flanagan organises for us in school. Well done, Mrs Flanagan, a very well deserved award!