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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

🕊️⛪️ Lá Fhéile Cholm Cille - Feast Day of St. Colmcille 🕊️⛪️

Today, 9th June, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Colmcille. Colmcille was born in Gartan, County Donegal (Gartán, Dún na nGall) in the year 521. He studied at Movilla Monastery in Newtownards, County Down (Baile Nua na hArda, An Dún) and travelled throughout Ireland learning and preaching the Gospels. Colmcille eventually travelled to Scotland, where he founded an important monastery on the island of Iona, which still stands today. He died at his monastery on Iona in 597. St. Colmcille is very dear to us, as the patron saint and namesake of our school, as well as one of the three patron saints of Ireland, along with St. Brigid and St. Patrick. Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Cholm Cille oraibh!
