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St. Colmcille's Primary School
and Learning Support Centres

πŸŽ„ Animation Challenge πŸŽ„

Throughout December, the pupils at St Colmcille’s PS have been exploring the highly enjoyable and fascinating field of ‘animation’. Our pupils were challenged to create their own animation under the umbrella theme of ‘Christmas’. The younger pupils devised theirs in the form of short stop-motion videos, while KS1 and KS2 pupils used the application ‘Brush Ninja’ on the iPads and laptops. The pupils’ creativity during this whole school challenge was put to the test and the results were truly fantastic. Some great work included a melting snowman, a Christmas tree being decorated, Santa’s sleigh gliding past the moon in the night sky and a Nativity Scene. All of the pupils involved in the animation challenge were able to enhance their creativity and imagination, as well as developing their ICT and problem-solving skills.
The winners of the competition were:
Foundation Stage- Keagan (P1A)
Key Stage One- Cliodhna (P4)
Key Stage Two- Michael (P7A)
